Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭)

来源: xux 2008-12-28 12:12:08 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4412 bytes)
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What do you cook for Christmas dinner for two? We made Beijing Roast Duck.

1. One duck (5 lbs). Remove neck, gizzard etc stuffed in the belly. Peel excess fat under the skin.

2. Pour boiling water over the duck, both inside and out. Let it hang dry overnight. Dave asked me repeatedly if it's safe to do this (leave raw meat out in room temperature). I am glad to report that after eating the duck, we are still live and well :)

3. Brush honey and water mixture (1:1) over the duck. Cook in the oven (350 F) for 80 minutes. Take out the duck every 20 minutes to brush on more honey and water mixture.

Note: To make cleaning easier, we probably should put some foil down, so the honey and grease dripping wouldn't harden on the bottom of the pan.

4. Done.

5. The other side. 

6. Ready to eat.




For pancake, we used store bought flour tortillas, steam for 5 minutes before serving. For dipping sauce, the paste I bought at the Chinese store is nothing but salty, so I mixed in Hoisin Sauce and water, steamed it for 30 minutes. When I tasted the first pancake loaded with duck, sliced cucumber, and sauce, tears almost came out of my eyes. It tasted so good, almost like the one at Beijing Quanjude's. Seriously!

•  Japan 2008 (7) - Kyoto (二条城)
•  Japan 2008 (6) - Kyoto (東寺)
•  Japan 2008 (5) - Nara (奈良)
•  Japan 2008 (4) - Kyoto (龍安寺)
•  Japan 2008 (3) - Kyoto (金閣寺)


(北京烤鸭)做得太象了..好吃!! -大媽豬- 给 大媽豬 发送悄悄话 大媽豬 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 12:14:48

和大妈的专业大餐比可就差远了 :) -xux- 给 xux 发送悄悄话 xux 的博客首页 (66 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 12:32:49

烤得很好~~ -老梅子- 给 老梅子 发送悄悄话 老梅子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 12:30:04

多谢大师肯定 :) -xux- 给 xux 发送悄悄话 xux 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 12:34:32

大师不敢当,咱也就业余家常水平哈~~ -老梅子- 给 老梅子 发送悄悄话 老梅子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 13:47:43

好大一只北京烤鸭! -好吃嘴- 给 好吃嘴 发送悄悄话 好吃嘴 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 12:43:46

这儿卖的鸭子都这个size,可惜没头没脚,不好看。 -xux- 给 xux 发送悄悄话 xux 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 14:40:08

The second picture is too much. poor duck! -cashmere2- 给 cashmere2 发送悄悄话 cashmere2 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 13:00:58

Sorry :) -xux- 给 xux 发送悄悄话 xux 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 14:43:41

翅膀和腿那儿用锡纸包一下可以避免糊!好吃好吃!俺家经常 -PurplePlumes- 给 PurplePlumes 发送悄悄话 PurplePlumes 的博客首页 (93 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 13:19:34

谢谢您捧场!我们以后也可以经常吃了。真的好吃也不难做。 -xux- 给 xux 发送悄悄话 xux 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 14:36:41

一看就好吃! -凡人小事儿- 给 凡人小事儿 发送悄悄话 凡人小事儿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 14:36:26

谢谢大师!您甭跟我客气啊,您说什么也是大师。 -xux- 给 xux 发送悄悄话 xux 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 14:46:29

这北京烤鸭真是诱人,颜色好,都能闻到香味了。 -豆芽厨房- 给 豆芽厨房 发送悄悄话 豆芽厨房 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 14:43:25

谢谢您!还得向您家学习 healthy living. -xux- 给 xux 发送悄悄话 xux 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 14:52:27

家禽用室温干燥是不安全.有两个方法: -weston- 给 weston 发送悄悄话 weston 的博客首页 (253 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 16:06:47

不行了,看得口水哗哗的。。。 -为爱走天涯- 给 为爱走天涯 发送悄悄话 为爱走天涯 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 16:55:04

刚吃完饭,看得我又饿了 -mmw- 给 mmw 发送悄悄话 mmw 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 18:52:25

真馋人啊! -秀秀- 给 秀秀 发送悄悄话 秀秀 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2008 postreply 19:09:20

真是香。下次菜谱请写上中文。 -毛毛-妈- 给 毛毛-妈 发送悄悄话 毛毛-妈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2008 postreply 07:11:51

真想吃。 -笑纳- 给 笑纳 发送悄悄话 笑纳 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/30/2008 postreply 01:07:26



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