Plant and Meat Products No No

来源: lvtotravel 2005-08-25 10:58:02 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1225 bytes)
回答: 我一个朋友带一瓶鱼子酱,罚了500刀xiaoya3162005-08-25 09:04:01
On the White custom form there are questions specifically ask you about FOOD (any kind), Meat and Plant products.

I really dont understand the attractiveness of such foods that you guys are willing to take the risk as by law, they can fine you heavily and even put you in jail if they determine you intentionally cheat - though 99% of the situations they just throw away the food items and sometimes don't even fine you. But is it worth it to risk that ?

I always report the food items eventhough I know those can go thru - such as crackers/cereals/snacks from the plane - one time we came back from Australia, the custom officer did ask me to show her the snack bag I had from Qantas plane and then let me go.

Last Sept when we drove back from Toronto - the custom officer asked us did we make grocery shopping - I said no, except our lunch. All our stuff are inside the passenger of the car, nothing in the trunk. He wanted us sitting in the car, and he searched the back seats and then the trunk. Then he asked if this is a rental car. We said yes. He finally waved us to go. I had 2 1lb bags of Mushroom on the car and some tea and nuts. He should have seen those but he did not say a word.


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