
来源: 认真过日子 2019-05-30 17:05:49 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2718 bytes)
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1. Five big Chinese bok choy   (青江菜)

2. Four sticks of Chinese sausage (香肠)Or 4-5 slices of bacon 

3. Three cups of white rice

Directions:(video credit to 捕鱼达人


1. Use either bacon or Chinese sausage, avoid to use both

2. Add less water as usual in the rice cooker to cook the rice a little drier

3. If you use bacon, cut the slices to very small pieces (like in the video), and stir fry them for few mins before put them in the rice to cook (and save all the left over becon oil in the wok to stir fry the bok choy later)

4. Use A LOTS of bok choy ( I use at least 5 big bok choy, sometimes even more)

5. Use 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil (if you are not using bacon oil) to stir fry the bok choy, and add 1/2 tablespoon salt 

6. Add cooked bok choy and its juice together to cooked white rice and covered the rice cooker lids for 5-10 mins (in warm mode) to let the rice soak the juice completely

7. Mix the veggie and white rice completely before to serve








应该用咸肉吧 -ymliu- 给 ymliu 发送悄悄话 ymliu 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/30/2019 postreply 22:36:08

上海菜饭是用咸肉 -风车轻舞郁金香- 给 风车轻舞郁金香 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2019 postreply 07:33:49

也有用腊肠的. -robato- 给 robato 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/02/2019 postreply 03:11:58
