If I have to guess, I would say this is "二次发酵"

回答: 二次发酵kathyzh2017-04-07 08:43:31

I am doing bread based on this recipe


However, I don't understand following step:


My bread machine dough setting is 1 hour 30 mintues. After adding butter, should I let bread machine finish the whole dough cycle or only finish the initital knead process, which is about 20 mintues? Should I take the dough out after 20 mintues knead? I don't quite understand which stage is "二次发酵前". My bread machine will knead for 20 mintues, then rising. Then knead again, then rising again. The total dough process is 1.5 hours.

please let me know when I should take the dough out if I use dough cycle?


