thanks for your analysis!

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Here is what happen to me, some are different than what you guessed as in your writing, I hope you are aware of it that it truly happened at my workplace:

1. 2013 review没完成,如果你的同事都完成而你没有 - I don't know if my boss completed the Perf review to other team members. She managed each of us in team separately; we don't know what others are doing and how did she tell others in the team.  This point is her smart maneuvering in office politics!

2. 你运气不好,你的老板.....所以会对你吼.这个是我们中国人的通病,讲话不大注意言语文明. - yes that's true as I observed it also.

老外即使对你很不满意了,也不会情绪化,特别是美国,但是往往伤害可能更大.  - yes I agree.

我一同事最近就是在被炒的边缘,可是他完全不能理解上司的意思. 还以为有机会挽回, 跟你一样笨去找HR - no I never raised any issues, talk to, email to, NOT any communication to HR from me since I was told by my boss, at the beginning, that it is 'not a good behavior to contact HR' in our company. I was natively brain-washed by her!!

 3.私下问生小孩八卦 - she frequently asked this multiple times in entire year 2013! she know I didn't know her intention, so she kept asking during lunch time or after office hour, when nobody around! 

4.工作量大. 如果你真这么觉得,早就该和你老板讲 - my boss kept adding more tasks to me after I told her; she responded differently from normal way!

So, you know I'm not completely wrong regarding this boss, right??!!



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