恭喜洋丝丽将得offer! 关于negotiate 工资的问题介绍

丝丽,在进入谈工资阶段后,把你的想法告诉人贩子,让他们帮咱要.If the company call you, tell them: "Please discuss this topic with my Agent."

---- Following is a old poster 在职场生涯101 (河南版)----------------

找工篇: Offer Negotiation (您知道被东家相中了, 心中暗喜. 但您想多要点银子, 但又怕自个嘴笨, 或怕东家说您不雷峰…)

You enter the Negotiation Stage after you have the offer in hand.

Whether you negotiate or not depends on the strength of your negotiation skills and how good/bad the offer is.

Sometimes companies say their first offer is the best offer; no more negotiating.
However, most companies leave room open and anticipate you negotiating with them.

It is better to negotiate face to face or on the phone
Do your home work, be well prepared, know what to say.
Have a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C.

However, there are friends who have successfully negotiated a salary through email.
Before you send out email, think about these questions:
What will you do if they do not reply to your email by the deadline of the offer?
How do you know they will not meet what you want?
What will you do if they can not meet what your email asked?
Communication can solve all problems. You need to communicate with them anyway.

The bottom line is to keep the offer, unless you have other offers.
Start the talk in a nice professional way. They will respect you more once they realize your conditions are reasonable. Your goal is to try to create a win/win situation for you and for the company. That way, you will get what you want through the company satisfying your wants, and they will not need to repeat the long hiring process.

Please don’t be greedy.
人家骑马咱骑驴, 回头看,后边还有推车汉---知足常乐!
The Hiring manager will withdraw the offer if he/she feels that you are asking for too high a price.

Yes, if the offer is At-Will, you can reject it even after you have signed to accept it. You should always make the decision based on what is the best for you and your

Rejecting an offer is very easy.
在完成与您最想去的公司的谈判之前, 不要过早拒绝手里的其它offer, 更不要过早的辞去现有的工作.


THank you LAOTU. -yang4li- 给 yang4li 发送悄悄话 yang4li 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/02/2011 postreply 10:51:59
