
我是去年十月底加入这家公司的。Offer Letter上说了我的bonus target rate,现在Performance Review, manager said my performance is well above his expectation. But the bonus I got is only $1000 vs $2400 if calculated by the specified rate in the offer letter. I talked to the manager about the number. He told me that my math is the same as his, he filed for $2400, but somehow the upper management drop it down to $1000. I guess the new director might be the one. He was hired last November and is the kind that likes to joke around while by nature I am reserved and prefer to maintain professional at work space. We have the standup every morning(Scrum process) and he is there most of the standups and jokes with other people before and after the meetings. Now my question is that is it very negative to make a one-to-one meeting with him about my performance and ask him why my bonus is been dropped? I know I might mention that my manager told me that the number is been dropped by the upper management. I feel very bad about the drop of the bonus, not just money-wise. I am thinking of leaving the compoany, but I am here only six months. Does it look very bad on my resume? Thanks for advice.

