3 hrs, 先后俩 interviewers.
phase 1: interviewer is a Chinese guy. 上来就告诉我, "I am not in the good mood today. we had some business problem yesterday". 俺心一抖, 咋这么背时? 接下来, 他瞄了瞄俺的简历, 说:"why are you interested in our company?" 赫,这问题我准备得滚瓜烂熟, 心中暗喜. 正准备慷慨激昂,突然,他的电话响了,"excuse me." 他说着,便起身离开,把俺撂那儿, 半小时后他才回来. 面试继续, 看得出来,他好像遇到纳手的公事,一脸暗淡, 空气开始凝固,乌云压城城欲摧。 我耐着性子,暗暗告诫自己:俺是来求人的,忍得一时之气,免得它日之忧。 于是,振作起来,回答问题。 不知是他成心拿俺撒气还是心不在焉想着他昨日的不爽,听完我的回答,没好气地说,” you are still now convincing me why you are interested in our company”. 诧异中,不等俺回答,讨厌的电话铃又响了,事后如何,不说,大家也知道。 整个过程,我使出吃奶的劲,想把这些天练就的”smiling” and “eye contact” 本事好好儿发挥发挥,不料想,当时,脸部肌肉竟是如此僵硬。俺真是撞到他枪眼里啦!
上帝可怜我, 安排了天壤之别的第二位interviewer (老美)。 Nice, friendly, our talk was relaxing and 投机得很。
今天还有不少前来final interview 的筒子们。事后,跟他们聊了一聊,众口一词:relaxing, smooth, it was like a chatting. There is no pressure at all. 在上帝面前人人平等? 我晕!
It is not my day today, I guess. 此刻心情十分沉重,why did the 1st interviewer have to give me such a hard time? 同胞啊同胞,美丽的梦想就这样断送在你的手中?!