How to handle this situation? Thanks for suggestions!

I have visited here very often this year and have learned a lot. Now, I have a situation and would like to ask your advices. Thank you very much!!


I was hired as a special project manager for my current company about a year ago, reporting to VP of Finance directly. At that time, I requested them to postpone the starting date four months later as I had a family matter and needed some time off. My direct boss seemed unhappy about it and I talked to CFO directly and got his approval. HQ is in US, but without actual power. The real power is in HK and some senior US managers are there too.


Since I started, my boss has given me various projects for helping others. Considering the current economic condition, people are protective for their jobs and feel I will take away their jobs. I think that he is using me to play office politics and to threat people who are not listen to him. Therefore, I try to develop new projects and develop my own program. But, I could not get support from my boss.

Recently, he asked me to help Director A in HK office. The project itself is very good, high visibility, gain good experience. The project has been organized in a way that I could not get enough resources, as she does not want me to help her at all.

The project has been structured in the way: Project committee including my boss, CFO, Director A, VP Asia Finance – Project IT manager, IT Manager in HK – Finance Project manager Senior Manager B in HK - Project team members, all manager level in China, except me.

The mini project that I will work on has three people including me. In other words, my position is an extra one. I feel extremely unhappy for the following reasons:

* I have been put in the same level as local financial manager in China. The position I have is an extra one and I could not get resources at all. Also, I have asked my direct boss, VP of Finance, my role before the kick off meeting and he asked me to talk with director A. He and CFO were not on the project kickoff meeting too. Basically, I could not get my boss support.

*After talking with my boss, VP of Finance at HQ, He orally agreed that I could be in the same level as the financial project manager, the Senior Manager B and suggested to talk with Director A. Of Cause Director A said no. Then, my boss changed and said that I will do what the Director A asked me to do. In other words, I could not get support from my boss. Every time, he let me to fight with Director A. Then, I told him that I would withdraw from this project, as I do not have enough power to do it. He said no. Someone from HQ has to monitor sites ‘s activities.

* Since he was on vacation these two weeks, I talked with CFO for my concerns and requested to be the lead for one of the miniproject. I showed my project plan and got his permission. He also promised to send out an email to support me. However, after I sent out the email and he denied sending email to support me. Then, Director A replied back to everyone and think that my proposal is different from their original plan. She also said that she talked to both CFO and my boss(do not know how she gets connection with my boss since he is in France now) and CFO and my boss agreed to let project team to decide.

Later, she sent out meeting invitation and project role. Now, even for this miniproject, she said that she would be the lead and delegate the tasks among various people.

This time, CFO sent out an email to ask people stop sending emails to discuss this matter and recommend having a meeting to discuss. But, the CFO only sent email to me. Director A, my boss and VP Finance Asia. Not everyone in the original message list. This makes me feel that I am losing creditability in front of others, regional manager, site directors and so on, since they only read Direct A replying email.

This is a delicate situation as CFO and my boss do not trust people in HK and yet do not give me power at all. I am simply helping others and he is using me without giving any benefits back. I did talk to both of them. Ask them if my qualification is not good enough and would like to improve myself. They said no. They also said that I was hired for Directos A’s position. But, because, I postpone my start date, they hired Director A. CFO also asked me to be patient as we are doing a Merge with another company, which has a lot of business in china too. Therefore, a lot of things are waiting. But, I do not trust him now since he broke his promise before.

Now, we will have a meeting to discuss next week. The results could be:

1. Use Director A project proposal and I am still a miniproject member with others. My boss may send out email to ask others to support me.
2. Have me to be the co lead of the Miniproject with Director A., which will be unlikely. I think.
3. Even without think this project, I am tired of helping others for small projects. The company is not in a good sharp financially. If we did merge, then it might be helpful.

Now, what should I do? Would you please suggest? I can look for a job. But, I think that the best is to learn a way to handle this. Thanks again for the help!


忍着先吧.. -猪啊猪- 给 猪啊猪 发送悄悄话 猪啊猪 的博客首页 (489 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 06:30:34

说说我的理解啊。。。回复:忍着先吧.. -sunnylily789- 给 sunnylily789 发送悄悄话 (289 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 15:19:16

赶快在你所有的老板里面找一个靠山 -曾国藩- 给 曾国藩 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 06:32:10

ask yourself FIRST... -HappyNow?!- 给 HappyNow?! 发送悄悄话 HappyNow?! 的博客首页 (223 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 08:05:51

我觉得可以先不要把主要精力放在谁是项目lead, 或谁 -小谋- 给 小谋 发送悄悄话 小谋 的博客首页 (239 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 08:11:12

耐心。多思考CFO说的话,把你自己放在他们的 -看那月光- 给 看那月光 发送悄悄话 看那月光 的博客首页 (319 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 08:35:57

回复:耐心。多思考CFO说的话,把你自己放在他们的 -hollymollylive- 给 hollymollylive 发送悄悄话 (391 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 09:04:01

回复:回复:耐心。多思考CFO说的话,把你自己放在他们的 -cat2009- 给 cat2009 发送悄悄话 (1682 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 20:41:29

感觉你太争强好斗,心胸放宽一点,不要怕吃亏,不要斤斤计较 -jiakang- 给 jiakang 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 09:45:29

争强好斗或计较都没有错, 但要把争/记较的重点放对. 不要 -小谋- 给 小谋 发送悄悄话 小谋 的博客首页 (29 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 10:00:02

回复:争强好斗或计较都没有错, 但要把争/记较的重点放对. 不要 -cat2009- 给 cat2009 发送悄悄话 (1352 bytes) () 06/13/2009 postreply 20:03:17

回复:How to handle this situation? Thanks for suggestions! -testweb- 给 testweb 发送悄悄话 testweb 的博客首页 (302 bytes) () 06/14/2009 postreply 00:42:52
