
My story could be longer than yours. My hu*****and is not a PHD, just a Bachelor. He had problem to keep his job, lost his job several time, and is really hard for him to get a new one. Your hu*****and is a PHD, which means that he is smart, and is willing to do things. He may not be a successful man, but like you said, he is a good person. I really understand you since we are really similar. I had been thinking about divorce for many years, but never made it. There is just too much to think about. Life is not easy, no one can be strong enough to handle this kind of situation, but I never had the thinking to kill myself.

Please, dear sister, we do need to take care of ourselves before we can care about others. If the things we can’t change, we have to face it. I can understand your unstable feeling, but things are not always as bad as we thought. We can lower our living standards; lower our expectations for our hu*****ands or ourselves. We might feel better, and less pressure. Living a simpler life might help us. I think maybe I am older than you and had more life experience. I learned to face the reality and the real life.


谢谢你,我会努力! -努力高兴- 给 努力高兴 发送悄悄话 (347 bytes) () 03/23/2009 postreply 20:23:14

回复:谢谢你,我会努力! -Sissy112- 给 Sissy112 发送悄悄话 (1163 bytes) () 03/24/2009 postreply 06:30:42

Sissy姐和楼主都是很坚强的女性,俺打心眼里佩服,俺家的情况 -吴用先生- 给 吴用先生 发送悄悄话 (329 bytes) () 03/23/2009 postreply 20:34:01
