职场生涯 101, 新朋友的指南, 老朋友的经验 (河南版)

本帖于 2009-02-11 12:26:22 时间, 由版主 美国老土 编辑

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职场生涯 101, 新朋友的指南, 老朋友的经验 (河南版)
(因为俺是老土, 只会用用省级地名的拼音字母做为版本号:安徽, 北京,....河南)

那年,先是有位关心中国儿童教育的 IT Contractor ,嫌新人问的问题重复,烦. 后又飘来一片会写诗的落叶 (flowleaf)老弟, 出了许多不错的馊主义. 最后是一位充满爱心曾住在深山老林里的爱可迷 (Acme)姐妹 看新朋友得不到回答很郁闷着急, 于是列出了较详细 的建议, 并编缉了第一篇总结, 再加上鸡狗和睦姐妹的三颗有力大钉, 才有了这份职场村旅游指南.

还没有老板(但有时间和自由)的新朋友: 您需认真准备, 通过101 课闭卷考试后, 方能进入职场. 好心的肖小妹(xiaoxiao317)要您以她为鉴. 她用惨痛经验教训告诫咱: 首次最重要的考试经常发生在您不留神的时候.

咱参与, 咱奉献, 咱快乐!

Job Website:
www.myvisajobs.com ILoveOPT
Mary’s Web

Online Wage Library - FLC Wage Search Wizard

怀孕JM找工篇: (Lady First! 但不是请您来拿菜, 而是去打工. 真是不好意思.)
怀孕了要不要换工作;接到Offer发现怀孕(编辑整理) Acme
想做Accounting? 入行与跳槽 -醉里吴音

简历篇: (想做奴隶或想跳槽, 都始于一篇吸引眼球的卖人广告)
写一篇吸引眼球的卖人广告 (-) 简 介
写一篇吸引眼球的卖人广告 (二) Combination Resume Format

找工篇(一): (发出广告后,需时刻准备着. 您盼的其时也只是一个Phone call. 电话响了, 推销你自己的机会也来了. )
怎样和head hunter/job agent/猎头打交道。告诉猎头工资么? Acme
米国 W2 and 1099 Form
”职场十年”的 聪明作家姑娘 给咱讲: 亦敌亦友话猎头 -陈默

Three Minute Drill: Before I answer your question, let me tell you a little about myself.
How to Answer Salary Questions
小玄拿到offer的秘密是: 准备了这么多 interview questions and answers. -小玄
若不熟背梅影MM准备的这么多 behavior interview questions, 您的面试就没影. -梅影

List of good books for interview questions

发一妹儿 thanks for the phone interview.

如何准备on-site interview (在您的电话推销懵住他们之后, 东家才要看看您长的俊不俊, 听话不听话,灵气不灵气)
Attitude (永保一颗当奴隶的心, 可掬的笑容, 对现有人员无威胁, mary的小绵羊) ~30%
Communication (你紧咱紧,你慢咱慢, 娓娓动听, 不卑不亢, 有问有答, 有条有理, 不沉默) ~30%
Technical Skill (可教之才, 可用之才, 不易之才) ~25% (Only!)
Appearance (CCTV 播音员式的伴相和风度, 干净, 爱可迷, 不是老土) ~15%

As long as you are the person they would like/love to work with, technically they can quickly teach you and you are willing to learn, you get the job!

发一妹儿问面试官的 name, title, and schedule

如何准备3 hr on-site interview
How to answer: What is your weak point?

面试时你能问什么 mary有只小绵羊

还怕没准备好? 纽约的麦克给您精心准备了interview 的 video. 仔细听这些video, 尤其是来自collegegrad.com 的那些一分钟一个的短video对你的interview会起到关键的作用。- nymike

面试时不该问的不要瞎问. 读读此帖和跟帖, 让你不笑都难.

面试后发一妹儿说谢谢 (example 1)
面试后又发一妹儿说谢谢 (example 2)
面试后再一妹儿还说谢谢 (example 3)

HR 公主给咱讲: Background Check and Reference Check - realprincess

About Your Reference
How do you know what your reference will say about you.

找工篇(二): (您知道被东家相中了, 心中暗喜. 但您想多要点银子, 但又怕自个嘴笨, 或怕东家说您不雷峰…)

You enter the Negotiation Stage after you have the offer in hand.

Do negotiation or not really depend on how good is your negotiation skill and how good/bad the offer is.

Some company saying their first offer is the best offer, no more negotiation.
Most of the company leave a space in there and anticipate you negotiate with them.

Better do negotiation face to face or on the phone
Do your home work, be well prepared, knowing what to say.
Have Plan A, Plan B and Plan C.
The bottom line is keep the offer. Unless you have other offers.
Start the talk in a nice professional way. They will respect you more once they realized you requirement is reasonable. Your goal is try to create win/win situation for you and for the company. You get what you want, company make you happy and they do not need repeat the long going hiring process again.

拿到OFFER 的烦恼. (也许您也有. 请看此贴的问题和跟帖) - 举棋不定中

Please don’t be greedy. 人家骑马咱骑驴, 回头看,后边还有推车汉---知足常乐!
Hiring manager do withdrew offer if he/she feel you are asking for too high meaningless Silver

There are friends who did successfully 让一妹儿 to Negotiate Salary.
Before you send out 你的一妹儿, have you thought about these questions:
What will you do if they do not reply your email upto the deadline of the offer?
How do you know they will not meet what you want?
What will you do if they can't meet what your email asked?
Communication can solve all the problem. You need communicate with them anyway.


Yes, if the offer is At-Will, you can reject it even after you signed to accept it. You make decision based on what is the best for you and your 掌柜的/冤家.

Reject an offer is very easy. 在完成与您最想去的公司的谈判之前, 不要过早拒绝手里的其它offer, 更不要过早的辞去现有的工作.

摆一摆我的relocation benefits. - limiting_1973

奴隶篇: (对老板要尊重,要服从. 对同事,先是自强, 然后才有受人尊重的和平共处.)
老板是俺的饭票, 此话乍听有些好笑,其意义只有在丢了饭碗时才知道.
忽悠老板101: 看看为啥这位MM知名度相当高! - 知名度比较高
Get along with your boss
你“拎得清“吗 - 跳蚤

职场十年(7):适者生存 - 陈默
关于办公室政治 - 布衣之才

学会KISS (Keep is Simple Sweatheart or Keep it Simple Stupid) will make our life happier.

学会KISS心不慌, 衷心感谢nt王! Please click here to learn KISS from ntking.

永远做好人、说好话、干自己的事情,跟老板搞好 关系. 先给自己定位,再去努力 -龙 少爷
凡是现实的, 都是合理的. 领导说中,那就是中.
You need to know what you want -Mondayadvisor
Job satisfaction: Strategies to make work more gratifying
自信,自强,理解, 恩威并用

如何与老外同事相处? - 跳蚤

跳槽篇: (There is nothing forever. 在您能选择自个命运的时候, 愿您能惜福和感恩,愿您能有勇气和信心,选最好的.)
If the job is At-Will, both parties can terminate the job at anytime without any reason.
我该不该跳槽?在 多个机会中,如何决定选择offer? (编辑整理) Acme

A job is just a job
我想跳槽, 不想让我的头儿知道
The Right Way to Quit Your Job
HR 专家, 真正的公主: always remember why you wanted to change your job.

下岗篇: (在您不能选择自个命运的时候, 原您能坚忍和等待,愿您能有平安,接受您所得到的. 还是 There is nothing forever.下岗也只是暂时的 )

英语交流有困难被解雇,怎么办?-汉英对照, 唯有 洁心 做得到!

雷庆瑶, 两只胳膊全没了,还能骑车,游泳,写字,吃饭,梳头. 咱有手的人,还怕啥?


lay off 和被 fire 有啥区别 - 安心草

看看别人被开的故事, 可能比您还要惨.
希望还是有的, 看看这里是否有您想要的工作.

拿失业保险金对您今后找工作 和申请公民没有影响.
Jobs in US Post Office

精华区: ( 如果以上内容还不解决您的问题, 请您到[精华区], 那里还有大量的好文章,保您喜欢!)


里面的link都不work -ExpectingMM- 给 ExpectingMM 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2009 postreply 12:08:09

yes, knew it. 只能查博客, 或 archived old posters. 3q! -美国老土- 给 美国老土 发送悄悄话 美国老土 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2009 postreply 12:49:05

怎么查博客, 或 archived old posters? -ExpectingMM- 给 ExpectingMM 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2009 postreply 19:34:11

打开某ID的帖子, 点击[博客], 或 [旧帖] 就好了! -美国老土- 给 美国老土 发送悄悄话 美国老土 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2009 postreply 21:46:59

回复:职场生涯 101, 新朋友的指南, 老朋友的经验 (河南版) -E888- 给 E888 发送悄悄话 (95 bytes) () 02/10/2009 postreply 14:37:57
