应该是"从花儿街到餐馆" 哈哈哈! 数据分析师是这样炼成的

来源: 美国老土 2009-01-16 16:23:22 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1574 bytes)
花儿街诸多号子垮了, 很多花街的白领为养家, 不得不到餐馆打工. 能上能下, 这没啥.
油价下跌,运输公司生意好. This kind company need people.
保险公司仍在卖保险, Data keep going need people.
根健康有关的行业, Health Care, Data keep growing, need people.
政府机构,国际组织, Keep looking for people who know data.
I have students find job recently on all above kind of industries.
玛丽 got Database Analyst job offer in east coast big city
安妮 got Database Analyst job in east coast city
凯润 和她掌柜的got Database Analyst job offer in Canada
爱润 rejected two offers in east coast, the phone calls keep coming
雪儿 got Database Analyst offer in 美中 偶爸妈的家乡, phone calls keep coming
文嫡 got Web Developer job in LA, doing a onsite Oracle DBA job interview this morning, she didn’t apply that job.
They all have the willingness to change, after couple month of hard study, and even in such a bad economy, they get the job offer they want.

Yes, with a PC in your home, you can install all kind of databases like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL in your home, You can install SAS, Linux, Crystal Report, Perl, PHP in your home. You can get sample Database Data in your home. You can get Data Warehouse Sample Schema in your home. Nobody can stop you if you are willing to learn.

Tomorrow morning 11:00 California time, 凯润 will talk to my students about how to prepare job interview, you are welcome to join. Seat is limited, send email to ohayokeiko@yahoo.com if you wantr to join.



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