玛丽, 不是玛利她爸家的那个玛利, 当年也是念过CS学位的, 也曾在红火的时候做过前台编程的事.
遇到雷傲夫后, 再想找工作,遇到面试,总是吓得小鬼子似的, 战战惊惊. 后来因为家, 为孩子,就改行了. 一晃, N年过去了…
自打去年摘罢棉花, 开始学打他(DATA)… 更新了简历. 信心大增…她不再是过去的她…
立冬那会儿, 就有东家让去面试. 准备了很多咋回答问题…
但是, 当东家问: Do you have any questions ? 就懵了…
阳历年前又得喜信说过罢年要同一公司招人经理面试, Database Analyst Position, 抓紧准备…
问玛利她爸(就是那个SSC的玛利她爸): How to answer ‘Do you have any questions?’ ?
Questions you can ask during the interview (for a Database Analyst position):
-- What kind of database are you using? Oracle Or SQL Server?
-- Do you have Data Warehouse (DW) right now?
-- How many fact tables of your DW?
-- How many years of data in your DW? (Usually company store three years of data)
-- How many OLAP reports you guys running right now?
-- Why this position is available now?
-- Is this a new position? (May not need ask if you knew the answer).
-- (Ask the manager) What is the criteria you judge the performance of your team member?
-- What is the criteria are you looking for for this position?
(After you get the answer, say: This is me!)
“这回面试, 俺信心很足. 完全由俺来主导谈话的内容… 当经理问俺: ‘Do you have any questions?’
俺暗笑, 早就准备好了. 着着单子一个一个慢慢问. 光一个: ‘What is the criteria you judge the performance of your team member?’ 就花了那经理约二十分钟给俺侃..
刚回到家, 就收到经理的一妹儿, 说对俺挺满意,让俺下周去与组里人面试…”
玛利她爸: 行啊玛丽, 你把经理都忽悠了!
玛丽的故事: (怎样回答 Do you have any questions?)
On the other hand, steer clear of these non-value-adding questio
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