回复:talk them back

来源: annie88 2008-02-15 08:42:18 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2562 bytes)
回答: please help!annie882008-02-14 12:53:04
Thank you for all of your advise. Below are our conversations for those who is interest on what's's going on:

After they realized they hurt my feelings, they try to appologize.

That person wrote me email:
"It is important to me both from a Christian perspective and personally to attempt to be kind and treat people as I would like to be treated. If I lose my temper or wrong to someone I want to apologize, hopefully be forgiven, and try to do better. I would like to progress to be a better person as time progress. If someone has offended me I also try to talk to them to create a better relationship and to be able to forgive them. I find if I do not do this it is harmful to me as well as to my relationship to the other person.I hope this makes sense."

My answers:
"I agree with you. But I think if someone intentionally offends people just for fun, I think it is “lives in sin”, it is also harmful to the relationship with others. I guess god will not forgive."

That person:
"I did not intentionally offend you, but apparently I did unintentionally. But I need to know what I did so I can ask you to forgive me. I would truly never intentionally offend you. I consider you not only a coworker, but a friend. It hurts me to know that I have done something to hurt you. Please let me know what I did so we can move forward. Surely you know me well enough to know that I have good intentions, and a good heart."

My answers:
"I am appreciated you consider me as a friend.

As a friend, I want to tell you that I don’t like any jokes about “Chinese paint”, it is not humorous. It hurts my feeling. I think everyone should respect their motherland. More importantly, it is not all the paint from China has lead. I heard so many times people jokes about it in our office. It sounds like all the things made in China are trying to kill American people. If I say American go to Iraq to really kill people there, and I joke about it all the time, what you guys think? Recall is often, why when it relates China, people start to laugh about it? Honda has recalls for the engines, why you don’t think Japanese people want to kill people when they are driving? I think it’s all about politics, please don’t bring that into office. I am not interested.
I am hurt not because of you, but because of the whole thing. You don’t need my forgiveness. Instead I am appreciated you come to ask my feelings. "

Then, he shut his mouth...



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