It’s supposed to be the shop’s responsibility

来源: MoonRiverMe 2019-09-05 13:52:52 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (464 bytes)
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回答: 修车奇遇水煮蛙2019-09-05 13:22:12

For the problem you brought the car in they are expected to get it fixed. They obviously misdiagnosed it to begin with. So they kept on replacing parts until the real bad one replaced, to cover their labor and expense they made up all the stores and charged you. 

I would talk to them first to resolve it. If it doesn’t work then file a complaint to the state consumer protection agent. Or take them to a small claim court.


谢谢 -水煮蛙- 给 水煮蛙 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/05/2019 postreply 14:00:15

这个就是麻烦的地方,如果他们说,第一个的确坏了;换了以后,发现第二个也坏了,修了以后才发现,第三个也坏了。 -dongbeiren56- 给 dongbeiren56 发送悄悄话 (159 bytes) () 09/05/2019 postreply 15:56:00
