
该如何平滑的从1档换到2档? 我现在十次只能有1-2次换的好, 其他时候总是能感到抖动. 我都有点搞不清是换早了还是晚了.

Transmission gear ratio (1st) 3.77
Transmission gear ratio (2nd) 2.04
Transmission gear ratio (3rd) 1.37
Transmission gear ratio (4th) 1.05
Transmission gear ratio (5th) .85
Transmission gear ratio (6th) .71


踩摘轰踩挂 -杀雨- 给 杀雨 发送悄悄话 杀雨 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 08:14:06

仿佛又见到了10多年前教我开大解放的老师傅 -Fexpedition- 给 Fexpedition 发送悄悄话 (40 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 08:32:43

1 to 2 is hard to be smooth because -Roadster- 给 Roadster 发送悄悄话 (450 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 11:41:46

If its BMW, there is another reason -Roadster- 给 Roadster 发送悄悄话 (37 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 20:57:39

谢谢楼上两位, 继续问档位问题 -Fexpedition- 给 Fexpedition 发送悄悄话 (89 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 12:24:26

Normal -Roadster- 给 Roadster 发送悄悄话 (120 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 12:34:46

一档启动后就可以换2档。我有时也用2档启。 -k26s- 给 k26s 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 12:53:34

依稀记得有篇文章说2档起步伤2级齿轮和捏合片 -Fexpedition- 给 Fexpedition 发送悄悄话 (16 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 14:02:36

半离合过程过长容易伤捏合片 -smallCrab- 给 smallCrab 发送悄悄话 (46 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 14:12:03

关键多练 -smallCrab- 给 smallCrab 发送悄悄话 (155 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 14:08:08

注意Rev Matching. -白眼狼- 给 白眼狼 发送悄悄话 (343 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 16:08:07

楼上的高手们一并谢过 -Fexpedition- 给 Fexpedition 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/03/2009 postreply 18:34:11
