回复:我和大家持不同的意见 !

来源: biglow 2008-02-22 04:40:02 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1824 bytes)
回答: Never go to sears for tiresbiglow2008-02-21 12:57:54
See my reply below:

1) 轮胎完全瘪了以后,绝对不能再开。哪怕是几十米,也会伤及轮胎。因为没了气压,轮圈会直接压在胎面上,而且轮胎侧面往往会因为剧烈变形而过热损坏。只要轮胎完全瘪了,你开到店里,他们一定让你换胎。
This is depending on the shop. I know many chain shops will do a repair ranther than change;

2) SEARS是大店,大锅饭。工人故意弄坏你的轮胎,而让你换新的,收入不会归自己。没有好处,何必呢?要是路边个体店,还有点道理。
More sotries: my wife's boss once went to Sears. He saw a worker broke a stud but still installed the tire. He told the manager about this, and guess what, the boss assigned the same worker to work on his car. Again, they may not get money paid for a single job, but if everyday there are 100 tires to be changed instead of repaired, that will give then 200%+ more in income. Together with supplying poor quality tire, they will boost their profit. Well, this is manager job, but that is exactly what they are doing, as my suppliment story pointed out.

3) Alignment如果有问题,不见得轮胎会不均匀磨损。也不见得会跑偏和左右不一样高。
Please, study the basic thoery of alingment.

4) SEARS不大可能用翻新胎冒充新胎。
Whether it is re-groved tire or it is a very poor quality one.

5) 你的第二个轮胎,质量有问题,帘子线/钢丝强度太差。是什么牌子的?
I do not know the brand, but I know it is at least $20 more expensive than what I can buy from Costco, even without discount. That proves one thing, the provide high price, poor quality tire.

6) 正规轮胎店补胎,都是从轮圈上卸下轮胎,从里面打补钉。不是从外头锉孔再塞胶条补的。
Still, it is depend on shops. I saw many shops do the job like you said, but many others do the rimming and insertion. By the way, the rimming and insertion is one of the ASE approved method to repair the tire.


I agree with biglow -chinomango- 给 chinomango 发送悄悄话 (632 bytes) () 02/22/2008 postreply 17:29:16

as I no reason to doubt, sorry typo -chinomango- 给 chinomango 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/22/2008 postreply 17:35:33



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