看看這篇有關hate crime的研究

来源: violinpiano 2021-03-21 12:59:36 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4344 bytes)

Hate Crimes against Asian Americans (nih.gov)

Specifically, hate crimes against Asian Americans are more likely than hate crimes against either African Americans or Hispanics to be committed by non-White offenders. This finding may be attributed to animosity toward the “model minority” from other minority groups. As aforementioned, the “model minority” stereotype assuming Asian Americans’ success in economics, education, and other opportunities generates potential competition or threats by members of other racial groups, which in turn may lead to resentment to be further acted upon through hate crimes. Offenders of other minorities of color targeting Asian Americans might fit the category of “reactionists” identified by Levin and McDevitt (). Instead of acting impulsively, the “reactionists” are motivated by protecting their resources from competitors (Steinberg et al., ). This finding might also lend indirect support to the perspective of racial competition motivating hate crimes, which argues that when members of a racial group perceive that their access and privileges to material resources are threatened by other racial groups during economic downturns, racial conflict and hate crimes may occur (Olzak, ; Soule & van Dyke, ; van Dyke et al., ). Although the aggregate level economic status does not show effects on the difference, the individual level economic competition hypothesis however, is not tested in the current study. Whether hate crimes are motivated by economic pressure or discomfort of diversity (Green, Abelson, & Garnett, ) needs further research.

Second, hate crimes against different racial and ethnic groups show more significant differences in incident variables. Comparing with African Americans, Asian Americans are more likely to be the target of hate crimes in school environments. This variation may again be a sign of the perceived “model minority” stereotype. Painted as a “model,” Asian Americans are more likely to be criticized by other minorities. Envy or jealousy of Asian Americans’ high levels of educational achievement, and their success in the workplace might also lead to feelings of resentment from other racial/ethnic groups.


文章说,和非洲裔比,非白人对亚裔的伤害比白人要多。 不要忘了是和非裔比,非裔伤害非裔,当然很少是仇恨犯罪 -voiceofme- 给 voiceofme 发送悄悄话 voiceofme 的博客首页 (53425 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 14:55:12

何止和非裔比 西裔也比了啊。 亞裔被非白人hate crime就是比非裔和西裔高啊 -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (3117 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 15:08:12

不知道你要强调什么? 但对亚裔伤害的施害者中,75%是白人,25%是非白人。 这是事实。 -voiceofme- 给 voiceofme 发送悄悄话 voiceofme 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 16:49:59

非裔和西裔也歧視亞裔 別以爲就白人而已。 至於原因是什麽 這篇論文已經提出來幾種可能了。 -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 17:02:29

所以別以爲跟著民主黨 把自己的利益都讓給其他種族就沒事了。 自己的利益自己要爭取。 -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 17:05:47

你的文章中说的是HATE CRIME. 这可不是什么让不让利的问题。 脑子要清楚点,别什么都扯AA。 -voiceofme- 给 voiceofme 发送悄悄话 voiceofme 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 17:09:40

論文裏的第一個理由就是因爲亞裔是 model minority -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (990 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 17:39:02



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