2020 花开富贵(蒜蓉粉丝开边虾);Steamed Shrimp with Garlic and Vermicelli; Bl

来源: lillian爱在厨房 2020-01-24 09:40:24 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3780 bytes)

虾                                  450克
粉丝                               50克
蒜                                   12 瓣
葱                                    少许
生抽                                15ml
蚝油                                 15ml
油                                     30ml
1. 粉丝在冷水中浸泡30分钟后捞出,沥干水份备用
2. 剪去虾腿虾须,去肠线,把虾从背部切开
3. 把蒜切成末,分成两份;在其中一份蒜末中加入15ml生抽和15ml蚝油;热锅加油30ml,将另一份蒜末炒香后把两份蒜末拌匀备用;葱切末
4. 把浸泡后的粉丝平铺在盘底,再把虾整齐的排放在粉丝上面,开口朝上;将蒜末汁放入每个虾的开口中
5. 水烧开后,蒸虾5分钟
6. 撒上葱末,美味即成
Shrimp                           1 lb
Vermicelli noodle(dry)              50g
Garlic                              12 cloves
Green onion                     1 teaspoon
Light soy sauce               1 tablespoon
Oyster soy sauce             1 tablespoon
Oil                                      2 tablespoons      
1. Soak vermicelli noodle in cold water for 30mins, drain the water and set aside
2. Trim shrimps’ head and legs, devein and cut them open from the back
3. Mince garlic cloves and divide into two portions; sauté one portion of the minced garlic with 2 tablespoons of oil; then mix together with the other portion with 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of oyster soy sauce; prepare some minced green onion
4. Lay the soaked vermicelli noodle on a plate and arrange all the shrimps on top with cuts facing up; fill the cuts with garlic sauce
5. Bring a pot of water to a boil and steam the shrimps for 5 mins
6. Garnish with minced green onion; it’s ready to serve


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