
来源: kamrans 2019-07-25 05:33:24 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (9019 bytes)

FL law protects your rights to grow vegetables, but not if you live under HOA rules

by Deborah Goonan, Independent American Communities

Last month, Florida’s Legislature supported a bill that protects the rights of its residents to grown their own food — including front yard vegetable gardens. The victory was celebrated by gardening enthusiasts, especially those who prefer to eat organically-grown foods.


The National Gardening Association, a strong supporter of Florida Senate Bill 82, estimates that nearly one-third of American households rely on homegrown vegetables, fruits, and herbs to drastically reduce the cost of feeding their families.

The bill was filed in response to a Florida Supreme Court ruling in favor of a local government’s power to regulate design and landscaping standards.

As crazy as it sounds, Miami Shores government leaders decided that vegetable gardens just don’t look nice enough to be visible to your neighbors. And they passed an Ordinance to fine Ricketts and Carroll $50 per day if they didn’t dig up their 17-year-old garden.

Click here to read more about Hermine Ricketts and her husband Tom Carroll, who filed a lawsuit against Miami Shores Village, Fla., in 2013, with help from the Institute for Justice.

Florida law now reverses that court decision.


As usual, HOA residents are excluded from protection

However, don’t start setting out your raised garden beds on the sunny side of your property just yet. Because this new law might not apply where you live. According to an article published in the Miami Herald, SB 82 does not limit the rights of homeowners associations to restrict vegetable gardening.

You see, the law signed by Florida Governor Ron Desantis applies only to “political subdivisions.”

Specifically, here’s what the bill says: (emphasis added)

Except as otherwise provided by law, a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state may not regulate vegetable gardens on residential properties. Any such local ordinance or regulation regulating vegetable gardens on residential properties is void and unenforceable.

Source: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2019/00082


Does an HOA qualify as a “political subdivision?”

No. According to guidelines set by the Social Security Administration (SSA):

A political subdivision is a separate legal entity of a State which usually has specific governmental functions.  The term ordinarily includes a county, city, town, village, or school district, and, in many States, a sanitation, utility, reclamation, drainage, flood control, or similar district.” A political subdivision’s legal status is governmental.

And SSA defines governmental entities as follows:

A governmental entity is that which is closely affiliated, generally by government ownership or control, with State and local governments.

In comparison SSA defines “private” or “non-governmental” entities:

A non-governmental entity is that which is not affiliated, through ownership or control, with State and local governments.

HOAs, including property owners, condominium, and cooperative associations, are authorized by legislation or statute. No government entity directly controls the HOA’s money or its board’s decision-making power.

Translation: both your local and state government generally allow your HOA make and enforce its own rules, including any restrictions on home gardening.


Why are City governments enacting HOA-style ordinances?

Double standard

So, if you’re one of the 9.38 million Floridians living in an HOA-governed common interest community (according to the trade group, Community Associations Institute), state law does not protect your right to grow your own food on your own property.

Your HOA can still restrict gardening to the back yard, where it might not be sunny enough to produce a good crop.

Your condo or co-op association can still forbid any type of gardening on “common ground.” That even includes container gardening on “limited common areas” such as a small townhouse yard or condo deck or balcony.

And, yes, your HOA can fine you for growing your own food. Which means that your family might go hungry when money gets tight.  All of this just so that your neighbors don’t have to look at your crop of tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini.

Why is that legal in HOAville, but not legal in Florida’s cities and towns?

It makes no sense.

Florida’s selectively protective vegetable garden law is more proof that the U.S. is becoming a country of parallel local governments — one that applies to anyone who lives in an HOA-governed community, and one that applies to anyone else who’s lucky enough to avoid an HOA. ♦



Florida towns can no longer ban residential vegetable gardens



Bill protecting the right to grow your own food signed by governor

Institute for Justice Press Release    |    June 25, 2019
Andrew Wimer
Assistant Director of Communications


事情都有好坏两面,我就住在有HOA社区,而且专门选择住这里,有安全警卫把守。随便一个房就百万以上,二等公民的房价坚挺。 -老朽- 给 老朽 发送悄悄话 老朽 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 06:34:11

就是就是,我就想说这样的观点的。+1 -logyliang2002- 给 logyliang2002 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 07:04:22

好几年过去了,直到今天才终于搞明白了朽哥住在哪里。现在吃喝玩乐住都知道了,下个topic是朽哥 -logyliang2002- 给 logyliang2002 发送悄悄话 (225 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 07:10:01

Acura, Lexus, 我们是实用主义。 -老朽- 给 老朽 发送悄悄话 老朽 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 07:54:06

看来朽哥比我想象的实用,开的都是好车里口碑好可靠性强的。赞一个。 -logyliang2002- 给 logyliang2002 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 07:56:53

他们埋怨却不介入,我的HOA很好,HOA为居民服务 -hz82000- 给 hz82000 发送悄悄话 hz82000 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 07:28:37

是的,都是比较认真负责的一帮人,对于住户很好;相应的,对于出租就有些束手束脚的地方。 -logyliang2002- 给 logyliang2002 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 07:50:44

我有独立住宅和康斗都发生过邻居贩私走毒卖淫嫖娼,康斗HOA很容易解决,独立屋束手无策,自己的房客搬走。 -老朽- 给 老朽 发送悄悄话 老朽 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 08:03:53

看来对投资也是有很好的地方的。朽哥好像为了回答我的一个condo问题,专门写过文章,看过就忘了,以后还是要遇到问题经常拿出来读才 -logyliang2002- 给 logyliang2002 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 08:06:35

事情真不是绝对的,人口众多的大都会,投资独立屋对于资金少的初级地主很困难。 -老朽- 给 老朽 发送悄悄话 老朽 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 08:17:05

对! 加入HOA 进行沟通和干预 -甜齿- 给 甜齿 发送悄悄话 甜齿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 08:57:23

和一些其它的民主国家比,美国尚有很多的专制的痕迹。 -鲁迅九- 给 鲁迅九 发送悄悄话 鲁迅九 的博客首页 (293 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 08:27:26

HOA当然需要接受美国法律治辖 -如尘- 给 如尘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 08:44:14

加州人是不是二等公民?按联邦法大麻是非法的,加州的州法大麻是合法的。 美国法律给地方政府一些自主权,HOA也一样。 -如尘- 给 如尘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 08:48:40

实际上,这是犹抱琵琶半遮面的做法,特别是,在世界的面前 -鲁迅九- 给 鲁迅九 发送悄悄话 鲁迅九 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 09:43:53

有很多豪宅是有社区的, HOA 费 几百到几千。 比如 Diamond Bar country。受有些两边跑富人欢迎, 安全。 -大百百- 给 大百百 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2019 postreply 12:25:10



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