Quick answer is no

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Are Roth IRAs Subject to the Required Minimum Distribution Rules?

You may sometimes hear or see the statement that Roth IRAs are not subject to Required Minimum Distributions. That is not really accurate. Roth IRAs are not subject to Required Minimum Distributions during the owner’s lifetime. They are subject to Required Minimum Distributions after the death of the owner (Read more about using Roth IRAs for estate planning). All the same, it’s helpful to Roth IRA owners not to have to take out money they don’t currently need and would prefer to leave growing tax free for their heirs.

Traditional IRAs don’t have that advantage. They are generally subject to Required Minimum Distributions beginning at age 70½, even if the owner doesn’t currently need the money. What’s more, the amount to be withdrawn is specified by the IRS and is taxed as income, at the owner’s current tax bracket.

One of the great advantages of Roth IRAs is that they are not subject to these lifetime Required Minimum Distribution rules. This advantage may be the single most valuable attribute of a Roth IRA.



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