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Under the health care law, insurance companies can account for only 5 things when setting premiums.

  • Age: Premiums can be up to 3 times higher for older people than for younger ones.

  • Location: Where you live has a big effect on your premiums. Differences in competition, state and local rules, and cost of living account for this.

  • Tobacco use: Insurers can charge tobacco users up to 50% more than those who don’t use tobacco.

  • Individual vs. family enrollment: Insurers can charge more for a plan that also covers a spouse and/or dependents.

  • Plan category: There are five plan categories – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Catastrophic. The categories are based on how you and the plan share costs. Bronze plans usually have lower monthly premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs when you get care. Platinum plans usually have the highest premiums and lowest out-of-pocket costs.

Factors that can’t affect premiums
