
回答: 这帖子看的我心惊胆颤在家孵小鸡2017-05-15 11:45:26

看看写得多煽情,房间小,冰箱小,有的需要share bathroom, 这也怪房东?

“They live in Empyrean Towers in a small room with a bed, a TV, small refrigerator, microwave and a hot plate. They are lucky enough to have their own bathroom, in comparison to many others who are forced to share bathrooms in the old seven-story building.”



“Life is very hard on us now,” said Anast, “and we do not feel safe living in this building. There are drug dealers, crackheads, and prostitutes living on the upper floors. The cops are here all the time. The locks are flimsy on our doors, and we keep a baseball bat handy just in case someone breaks our door down to enter our apartment.


这是一个eviction. 11/25交租被拒,没说什么时候应该交,以前有没有交,这次交的是不是全租,记者只顾煽情

On November 25, Polega contacted me and said, “I am a tenant at Empyrean who is being kicked out at this very second after having a money order returned to me that was in their possession for more than 24 hours. They returned it at 11 a.m., telling me to be out by noon. This is directly following my physical incapacitation in the form of a ruptured Achilles tendon which was directly caused by their negligence. I am on crutches in a six-story walkup and cannot go up or down the stairs unassisted, let alone move my belongings this way.

“At 2 p.m., they returned with police. I will be charged with trespassing if I do not leave. I have nowhere to go. I would be more than happy to go on record for any future articles against these bastards, or any other media outlets, to gain justice.”

