“Boys, what's the motto of the US Air Force?"

来源: borisg 2015-03-05 18:20:18 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1112 bytes)
"Aim High".

Yes, what I want to say today is, no matter where you are and what you do, you should always aim high and set a goal a little bit higher, and work a little bit harder. Don't be contended with being just the average, or just a little bit better than the average. Be proud of being good, saying I AM GOOD,  and excelling over your peers.

OK, I'm done today. Dismissed and go to bed!

(Well, I don't really talk like this to them everyday...)

人跟人体能智能真差那么多吗?我想self motivation 是至关重要的。


一个是我们这里最大的self made billionaire, 自己白手起家几十年现在遍布全国业务,每年几百万几百万的捐款(医院什么的到处是他的名字)。


命不同呀咋办腻。 -破烂熊- 给 破烂熊 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2015 postreply 18:29:23

不能找堂兄干点赚钱多的工作?俺觉得俺要是没钱,俺表哥表姐都会帮助我的 -9876543- 给 9876543 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2015 postreply 19:28:42

你堂兄给的工作能好到哪里?还不是半死不活的dead end job?你去讨饭还想被供着? -柠檬椰子汁- 给 柠檬椰子汁 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2015 postreply 21:23:15



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