还是不要找麻烦。 对房子的损害倒在其次, 等狗咬了人,保险又不保,你自己麻烦就大了。 别听他自己有保险的鬼话。

Theses are the breeds insurance ususlly won't allow.  Check with your insurance company.

“Dog bite related claims accounted for more than one third of all homeowners insurance liability claims paid out in 2013. That amounted to about $490 million, with the average claim costing close to $30,000. But actual costs can be much higher. In 2011 A Washington State Superior Court jury awarded a $2.2 million verdict to a woman who was attacked by two neighborhood pitbulls near her home in Tacoma, Washington. The woman sued the dogs' owners whose homeowners policies were unfortunately limited to $100,000 each."

  1. Pit Bull Terriers
  1. Staffordshire Terriers
  1. Rottweilers
  1. German Shepherds
  1. Presa Canarios
  1. Chows Chows
  1. Doberman Pinschers
  1. Akitas
  1. Wolf-hybrids
  1. Mastiffs
  1. Cane Corsos
  1. Great Danes
  1. Alaskan Malamutes
  1. Siberian Huskie

