Maybe at some point we all should be as superficial as we can

来源: rx300 2014-09-01 09:19:12 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1411 bytes)
投坛也许真就是个茶馆,啥人都可以上来唱几句。 唱得好,大家喝个彩。 唱得不好,有人起哄,有人面面相觑,有人低头喝茶。 这唱戏也分角色。 有人演喜剧,有人演悲剧,还有人演闹剧。 咱国粹京剧还分个生旦净末丑。 三流马戏团也还有个跑龙套的小丑呢。其实为了impress大家,卖力演个闹剧也挺不容易的。俺小时候有小伙伴,为了impress女生,还经常捉个蝈蝈捉个飞蛾放人铅笔盒里。 手法虽然很蠢,但后来想想这哥们其实也不那么坏。

俺觉得自己真是是涵养不够,看到不喜欢的闹剧,没能忍住还插了几句嘴。 以后飘过,埋头学习,少发评论。还是George说得对,every group needs a loser they can all make fun of. 也许一笑置之是最好的。


[Setting: Coffee shop]
JERRY: They act like it was some act of charity. Just going out with her.
GEORGE: So, she's the loser of the group. Every group has someone that they all make fun of.. Like us with Elaine. (Jerry thinks about this, then shakes it off)
JERRY: There is no way Ellen is the loser of that group.
GEORGE: Are you looking deep down at the real person underneath?
JERRY: No, I'm being as superficial as I possibly can!


才子就是有才。 -naive2- 给 naive2 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2014 postreply 09:49:59



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