Solve the N steps on a cube problem

来源: borisg 2014-01-31 09:14:32 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1272 bytes)

 First we see that given a fixed corner as apex, there are 4 classes of corners:


1)A(1): the apex.

2)B(3): next to apex.

3)C(3): 2 steps from apex.

4)D(1): the opposite corner.


In general we have PAA(N)=PAB(N-1)=1/3 PAA(N-2)+ 2/3 PAC(N-2)


PAC(N)=1/3 PAD(N-1) + 2/3 PAB(N-1) = 1/3 PAC(N-2) + 2/3(1/3 PAA(N-2)+ 2/3 PAC(N-2))

      = 7/9 PAC(N-2)+ 2/9 PAA(N-2)


Given PAA(1)=PAC(1)=0, all PAA(N)=0 for N= odd.



Now let's work out the N=even number case



Therefore working with this pair:


PAA(2N)=1/3 PAA(2N-2)+ 2/3 PAC(2N-2)

PAC(2N)= 2/9 PAA(2N-2) + 7/9 PAC(2N-2)


Solve the eigenvalue problem of 


 1/3, 2/3

 2/9,  7/9




lam^2-(10/9) lam +17/81=0... eigen value = (5+/-sqrt(8))/9


Someone finish this for me?



能换酒否? -Qiaoshe - 给 Qiaoshe  发送悄悄话 Qiaoshe  的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2014 postreply 09:15:57

请教波大是学什么的啊? -9876543- 给 9876543 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2014 postreply 09:31:21



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