Two seperate questions

Your feedback is greatly apreciated.  I would really like to know what you think.
1. Do you think it is important to follow the same schedule every day?
I keep on reading that this is good for health and beauty.  I try to follow the same schedule going to bed and getting up.  I don't party any more afraid I will be home too late.  I sleep a little bit more in the weekends.  Otherwise I follow the same schedule, off by half an hour usually.
It has been kind of boring.  Sometimes when I see a good movie online, I like to stay up and finish it.

2. Do you shave your arms and legs?
My daughter is Chinese, Irish and German.  She is only a teenager, but she has full-grown body hair.  Of course I love my kid, but I cannot help but have a little sigh inside my heart each time I look at her body hair.
She has asked me about shaving.  I have never shaved my arms and legs.  As an Asian, I get away with it.  What should I tell her?  Does she have to shave for the rest of her life?
Sometimes I had thought if I had a boy, then he might have looked like me more.  But then a man is considered sexy with body hair.  At least it would not be a bad thing.
I guess I am being silly.


回复:Two seperate questions -tbd- 给 tbd 发送悄悄话 (445 bytes) () 04/09/2014 postreply 13:59:17

Thanks -joeyli- 给 joeyli 发送悄悄话 (580 bytes) () 04/09/2014 postreply 16:25:19
