Your LG is absolutely right!

来源: sslw 2013-07-02 11:03:21 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (896 bytes)
回答: 是我太在乎钱了吗?wxczm2013-07-01 07:06:44
He is the only one who works. He pays you $3800 monthly. You should give him the highest priority.
A family with kids and your mum you have to take 3 bedroom. How can you rent one bedroom out? Your hu*****and has been working for a whole day. He must be tired. When he gets home he wants a peaceful environment. Who would like to have a roomate? What on earth make you have this thought? This is so wrong. It is more of a selfish thought. Life is not all about money. Enjoy your life now.
$3800 minus $1800 rent you still have $2000 left. That is more than enough for the family.
I have a home, decent car and decent life style too. For me $2000 is more than enough a month.

Your hu*****and must get paid very decent at work in order to pay you $3800/month.  I think he has a lot of stress at work too. Be a little understanding and nag less pleeeeeease.


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