
回答: 【说税】社保金税 (Payroll Tax)laoyangdelp2012-03-04 21:06:09

my tax: 收入税36%+社保金税9.1%(6.2+2.9)+州税9.6% = 54.7%,there is also unemployment fee, disablity fee...可不是一年有more than一半( 60%)的时间是给税务局白白打工.  I also put some in retirement.  The end result is I got only about 35% home....5555555555.  want to quit but...


unemployment and disability insurance are paid by employer not y -laoyangdelp- 给 laoyangdelp 发送悄悄话 laoyangdelp 的博客首页 (354 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 19:31:04

am I the only one paying SDI myself? -美西游子- 给 美西游子 发送悄悄话 美西游子 的博客首页 (1141 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 23:01:02

thanks to Sch A of form 1040 -美西游子- 给 美西游子 发送悄悄话 美西游子 的博客首页 (257 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 23:09:24
