I did talk to the director. My goal is

来源: texas2006 2012-12-02 19:16:27 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (844 bytes)

Just to inform him of my attitude and viewpoint. He couldnt'say anything at that point, since management are supposed to be binded in one line. It would be unprofessional and ridiculous to expect a director to stand up for a frontier employee like me immediately.

I told him I was going to sign off the permormance review. But i disagreed on many things framed and described there, as many things positive are maliciously skipped. I did layout evidence just to include him i the loop. but i signed off anyway, as he really couldn't do much then. To be honest, all performance reviews had already been collectively reviewed and singed off among management beofre they arrive at our desks. It's like slpping himself in the face if he stood up for you. so watch your vocabulary when you have one-on-one with your director.



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