ha :)

来源: noconfusion 2011-01-14 17:04:31 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1220 bytes)

I actually traded my way back to about 49% equities, not too far from my target, which is about 60% equities..... this is just an artificial target based on my age/income/asset/blah blah, so has little to do with bullish/bearish bias.... I think the most I had in the recent past was 70% during the April-September shaking period.... but my long term target is about 60%.... but I am not too far off as I do have some bullish option positions also.

lately I have been busy with other stuff, but for the foreseeable future, US and certain emerging markets are still in the up trend, so I am considering starting some other models that were profitable in the last bull cycle 2002-2007.

I was planning on having about 20-30% in bonds, but had sold out all my positions consider how bubblish bonds were a few months ago, and how crowded it was with moms and pops.

I say cash is never a bad position, because there are always opportunities... the crowd can never reach a perfect balance at a price of where the true valuation is... so they always over/under shoot, and price action will always tell when a continuation or reversal is likely to happen.... if I have cash, I have bullets to fire.



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