Thanks for your explanation. Thomas sounds optimistic

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回答: 关于F22的问题。scim2011-01-12 10:36:39

about the problem.  I also think that upgrading will resolve the issue.  The question, however, is if the Congress allows more money invested on the improvement of the aircraft or not.  F-15 & F-16 have many variants but does F-22 have such luxury?  F-22 producation line has been shut down.  How much resources are left for F-22?

I don't have much time to look into details.  Since you are a expertist on F-22, it is better for you to ask you, isn't it?

Please give us the real causes why the US ceases the F-22 production.  What are the solutions to the other problems F-22's are experiencing (listed below)?


回复:Thanks for your explanation. Thomas sounds optimistic -scim- 给 scim 发送悄悄话 (769 bytes) () 01/12/2011 postreply 10:58:22

我来试着解释 -73888- 给 73888 发送悄悄话 (1337 bytes) () 01/12/2011 postreply 11:32:41
