Beijing egg house to be removed

来源: insight777 2010-12-05 06:22:04 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8714 bytes)
Sun, Dec 05, 2010
China Daily/Asia News Network

Egg house to be removed
» Compact mobile home is one man's answer to expensive housing

DAI Haifei, the man who built an egg-shaped house to live in because he couldn't afford Beijing's high rental prices, is being forced to take it down, the Beijing Times reported Thursday.

After the media highlighted the "egg" house, urban management officers, or chengguan, of Beijing's Haidian district examined the house, saying Dai lacks official approval for living in a public area along the street.

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"He'd better dismantle the house," one officer said.

Though the adorable "egg" house may win most people's recognition for being green, the concerned residential property manager said when it comes to living in a public area the temporary "egg" house lacks construction approval and dwelling admission.

Managers of Dai's architectural firm said Thursday Dai also got an official notice ordering him to remove the "egg" house.

Dai remained tight-lipped about the saga. "He's under a huge pressure and please give him space", one of Dai's colleagues said.

-- China Daily/Asia News Network


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