跌穿底? Not yet

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Dow will break 10,000 almost for certainty, may even test 9,000-9,200 and retreat to near "bear" market level (a close to 20% correction from recent peak). But I seriously doubt it can go much lower than that.

The negative sentiment hasn't run its course yet. The PIGS will be attacked one by one unfortunately and that will further bring down the market wave after wave. China could also be attacked in capital market thr 2nd half of this year if the Chinese economy experiences further chaotic moments - asset bubbles, inflation, etc.

Euro could be testing $1.1, but unlikely will reach dollar parity this year.

The market eventually will recover as the US overall economy is improving and gaining some traction actually.


回复:跌穿底? Not yet -DrunkCrab- 给 DrunkCrab 发送悄悄话 (97 bytes) () 05/25/2010 postreply 00:49:41
