Let's face it --

本文内容已被 [ beachlver ] 在 2010-02-05 12:12:28 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

You are losing 2K/month now even if you live in your current house, judging by the market rental rate. Well, technically.

Same with my situation. I can rent a similar house for $2K/month less than the current carrying cost of my own house.

If it is hard to make a decision right now, I suggest you defer that decision. If you guys really want to take the new jobs, MOVE. When we are still young, changes are welcome. It could open new horizons and enrich your family life. Yes, it has stress, too. But it is the stress coming with new excitement.

And then watch for 6 month or 1 year to see if you really like the new place, new jobs and so on so forth.

Depending on your location, the broad market is already bottoming and turning. It will take time to fill the 200K gap, but filling half of it may take a lot less time than you thought.
