回复:跪求赐教各位高人前辈: 这样的投资房能买吗?

不要动不动就跪求嘛, 男人膝下有黄金,老实说,除了父母,没有人值得我跪。

1. No, you should try some other places: places with better cash flow. I would say: Nevada, Arizona, or Florida, DC.
2. University areas are good, however, the price is not cheap.
3. hard to say. 个人喜欢house, 但是还是要看房子,地区。
4. 找信誉好的, agent do not like short-sale, because it is difficult to close.
5. 是吗? 好多加拿大人来Arizona, as far as I know. 好像Nevada, Florida 也有不少 snow birds. 我对vacation rental 不熟,


Thanks for the advices, 比花花还花 -出去走走- 给 出去走走 发送悄悄话 (118 bytes) () 08/22/2009 postreply 11:44:59

现在不知道是绿有没优势。 -houston1965- 给 houston1965 发送悄悄话 houston1965 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/22/2009 postreply 12:08:43
