who is the ruler?

This topic has been argued for over a decade - Americans said China's growth is not sustainable, while Chinese cannot figure out how America can live by huge debt, which significantly contradicts the Wallt Street definition of "Value". From Wall Street's definition, "huge debt" is definitely not favorable, but America doesn't care that much as we normally believe. So I think policital-economy is hard to predict from a normal financial perspective.
Undoubtedly, the trend over the past decade is America is going downward but China upward, but both have big problems. These two models are complementary to the global economy, i.e. someone producing down to the earth, someone flying in the sky.
I don't think either China or America will die this time but definitely America will suffer significantly more -- America needs a big and thorough change in many ways.
My humble thoughts - open for discussion.


I share your view. The influence of China is on the rise. -xxq2001- 给 xxq2001 发送悄悄话 xxq2001 的博客首页 (473 bytes) () 04/29/2009 postreply 09:56:52
