100% agree!

来源: MINHANG 2009-04-03 20:29:22 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (549 bytes)
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回答: 个人对于投资的体会huanmie2009-04-03 19:05:31
Only small percentage people make profit in investment.
Most people will lost money either in long term(10-15years) or in short term. Investing experts or financial advisers always say that, In the past 80 years, stock average reward is 8, 9, 10%. I highly suspect the calculation. Index all the time change the companies, bad companies were out and good ones were in. In this way, index is up in long term.
Also, a lot of companies were out of business. Value went to zero. Did they count it when they calculate the annually 9 or 10% return?


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