I sold my newly added margin position near the end of

来源: longtermInvestor 2009-01-30 01:32:27 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (658 bytes)
market today, made some small money, do not/can not/should not hold big margin position, even though I am thinking short term the market is going up.

Today's surprise is RDN. RDN is up 5.19% in a today's big down market. Very surprising. RDN is another muni bond insurance company, like abk, mbi. I have been holding it for several months now since its last good quarterly report. just a couple of months, I have been in big red and green several times, unbelievable. I am trying to sell it tomorrow for maybe 15% profit. I would like to continue to decrease my margin. Investment should not be this complicated and stressful. I am a little tired.


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