意大利的Sorrento 是个风景秀丽的海滨小城。我的相片不能充分表现出那里的幽美、温馨。坐在沙滩边,品尝当地的海鲜,看着各种肤色的人晒太阳,非常遐意。这里一定是一个度假的好地方。
(1) The view, the water, the cliffs... were all awsome by the roadside to Sorrento.
(2) I couldn't help it to shoot this one. Her body was covered with some kind of oil and merged with the boat scene.
(3) Rock - boat - mountain: three perfect close-middle-far scene arrangement. The color of the boat does not hurt either. That yellow floatie should have been removed.
(4) A lonely swimmer near the rocks. It could be dangerous to swim there.
(5) The Europeans call rocks "beaches"
(6) A tripod and better far element would have helped to improve this one.
(7) I love the colors
(8) Look at the contrast of colors and shapes on this one.
(9) Again, the color. Are Italian people famous for eating hot food? I didn't know that.
(10) Kids playing cards near the beach.