this does not make sense

来源: 比花花还花 2008-12-13 05:20:27 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (651 bytes)
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1,000元/月的租金可以租到比较好的公寓,可以满足一家3-4口人的要求, 我们则按此计算: 1,000 X 12月 X 30年 = 36 (万)。

>>> Why do you think that you can always rent a condo for $1000 for the rest of 30 years?

如果你用60万现金投资共同基金, 按年利6%的计算, 30年后你连本带利可获 344.6万 [60 X (1 + 6%)30 = 344.6]。 减去你这30 年所交的房租费 36 万, 这30年你投入的60万现金现在变成了308.6 万 (344.6 – 36 = 308.6)。

>>> Why do you think that you can have 6% return annual? Well, historical data tells this, but do not you know something "historical return does not guarantee the future return? In addition, you forget about the tax



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