u think delicate political/economy balance among

来源: longtermInvestor 2008-10-04 15:49:09 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1258 bytes)
countries is like 黑帮称王,

You do not even understand what u are talking about.

China's crisis is covered up by rapid economy growth, there is not much crisis in US, it is just a economy cycle. At its heart, US overspent some money, waste some other countries' resources, lost some credibility in the world. But did u see strong US dollar performance, without asking, money in the world still comes to US, why? because US policy is stable, transparent, and US behaviors can be analyzed and expected.

In my imagination, China needs US more than US needs China because China's economy depends on export. China's supply demand conflict is so dramatic, read articles about the ratio of Chinese people's income against GDP, if China does not have huge export, those factories, companies will all die over night, because Chinese people can't afford their products or do not need their products.

Anyway, China's skewed profit sharing policy mandates that wealth are concentrated on small group of peoples. This is the reason leads Karl Marx's belief that capitalism will die in the end. We have spend decades educating Chinese students the vital weak points of capitalism, but we are practicing what we think is impossible.


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