talking about fairness

来源: longtermInvestor 2008-09-06 12:43:39 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1250 bytes)
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回答: u r completely wrong on the perspectivelongterminvestor2008-09-06 09:47:46
You said "Talking about free and open market. Why the hell are there so many government intervention in this year? When the years are good, do these people contribute more tax? So the model is like this, you earn big money on the future money and pay less tax. At last year, you just admit that all those future money is not real and the company should go bankrupt. However, it's too big to fail. So all the other people should pay for it? Is it fair???!"

Now who do u accuse that made good money at good times and got rescued at bad times? If u are accusing 2F, well, 2F did make good money, but they did pay more tax, unless they engage in illegal tax activities.

I think the guy you are really accusing are those individuals who made out like bandit during good times. Well those wall street ceos were making good money, and they won't spit it out whether we rescue 2F or not. As for 2F bond investors, they were just making fixed income, like 5-10% a year (guessing here), they were not making a fortune. As for 2F stock holders, they are going to be diluted heavily, next to wipe out, if u are envy those guys that are currently shivering, u are very do no t know what u are talking about.

Calm down, think it thorough.


You are so naive. You never know what's behind the curtain -1112007- 给 1112007 发送悄悄话 1112007 的博客首页 (107 bytes) () 09/06/2008 postreply 13:00:00

can u tell me what I do not understand? -longtermInvestor- 给 longtermInvestor 发送悄悄话 (85 bytes) () 09/06/2008 postreply 13:26:48



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