I sold abk bought with margin, still have the rest.

来源: longtermInvestor 2008-08-16 12:33:30 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1151 bytes)
I do not know my exit strategy yet, the first target is 6.75 which is the price of last equity sale of abk, during which time, insiders across the world bought quite a lot, then second target is abk's adjusted book value, 18.54. I am not sure if abk can reach that high or how long it will take it, and what can happen in between, so I will watch closely. I will also market mood, a lot of people started to talk about abk, I will be cautious that when it become too hot. In addition, we do not know if abk's planed child insurance company will be successful or not, if it can go back to its AAA rating. Also we are now in a bear market, bear market can prevent abk to return to its fair value, also bear market can produce other outstanding opportunities, so it is hard to say what I will do with my abk and mbi, holding so far.

I also like to day trade some of my shares, it is not good to DT, but it is fun and exciting, and it can also release some built in anxiety whether caused by too much profit or too much red. Sometimes day trade cause u to lose your long term holdings.

There will be a day I will get rid of DT completely.


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