
I tried your 山核桃饼干last night, and do not know what went wrong, all the cookies are 全部都趴下(flat). The only thing I can think which is probably wrong is the amont of butter I used, is it too much? or my conversion is wrong?

室温回软的无盐奶油(unsalted butter) 200g = 14.05 TB. It is almost 2 sticks of butter.
红糖60g =4.215 TB
朗姆酒或朗姆酒香料 10ml =2 tsp
材料2:美洲山核桃(pecan) 100g打成碎 = 3.5 OZ
面粉1杯 250ml
玉米淀粉(cornstarch)30ml =6 tsp
苏打粉 半小勺(1/2 tea spoon)

Thank you


