回复:不容意见, 敬请讨论(关于告你的老板)

来源: LilyBD 2008-11-02 20:20:25 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2410 bytes)
Maybe my last post opened this discussion. There are some questions you should ask yourself before you think to complain about your boss:

1. What did your boss do? Is that big enough to have a fight with your boss? You may want to read the book ” you will not win a fight with your boss”. Pick and choose your fight. You can not win every single one so pick something big and serious.
2. Do you feel you are being mistreated? Is this a fact or it is your perception or even fantasy? Is your boss tough on you for your own good or she just does not have good management skills? Either way is not enough for you to complain to her boss or HR. You should resolve the problem with your boss first. Sometimes, if you put yourself into her shoes, you will understand more why she behalf like that.
3. How much time or energy you have in this process of "file a complaint about your boss"? Is that really worth it? If you try very hard and still can not get along with your boss due to incompatible work style, chemical, race or whatever reasons, give it up and walk away. Life is too short to involve in a process like this.

举个例子吧:我手下人不多但分两极. 小主管管下面几个.有个Staff来跟我说小主管yell to her. 实际上小主管怎莫对待下面人,我清楚得很. 我亲眼看见过. 没有当时讲,是因为她非常努力,performance很好,因为刚升上去,不会管人. 我正准备和她谈呢. 那个staff来告状, 我对小主管的看法不会变, 因为我已经知道了. 对那个staff的看法倒是变了. 因为她后来又来了好几次, 全都是小事.
我敢保证你到大老板那里讲的话, 80-90% 对他不是surprise. 他早就知道了. 当然这都是general speaking, 如果你老板在他office harasse你,估计他老板是不知道的.

Like I said in my last post, if your boss violated HR policy, you will win the case as long as you have the evidence. However, you may see the outcome of your today's action someday. Remember “EMC的秘书门事件”. 秘书有错吗?没有?是老板的错。可是秘书还找得到工作吗?即使你闹到老板被fire, 对你有好处吗? 我想大多数人在一个小圈子里, 一个industry 里大家全认识, 尤其是高,中层. 有些事和名声换工作都会跟着你.

当然我说的是90%的情况,有些情况不apply. 你要看你的具体情况. 有一点:平时和老板,老板的老板搞好关系.如果和老板有问题,要及时解决, 冷战最可怕. 如果你决定要走,千万不要为了出气,临走再告老板, 或告诉大老板,你受不了你老板才走. 想想这样对你有好处吗?你不是揭发杀人犯, 防止他再害别人.

我这些都是亲身体会. 我即告过老板 (2 次), 也被告过(不记得几次了).


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