10 things to do if your boss is a jerk

来源: LilyBD 2008-10-01 22:39:24 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2198 bytes)
1. Stop expecting more than the boss can deliver.
If you have expectations, you will never be disappointed.别把老板想的太好了,即使是好老板。

2. View the objectionable behavior as the boss’s problem, not yours.
Do not let your jerk boss lower your confidence about yourself.

3. Never attribute to malice can be explained by incompetence.
Jerk is usually either incompetent to their job or very capable and smart.

4. Spend more time with subordinate and less time with your boss. It will be more stratifying to you, and you should anyway.
非常同意。记住你的成绩是下属干出来的,不是你那jerk老板干的。其实不管好老板,坏老板,你都没必要整天在他办公室泡着去entertain他。但大多数人眼睛只往上看。你的下属才更需要你。把他们带出来,你才能 move up. 有一个衷心你的团队,老板不敢把你怎样的。他不能冒失去一个team的危险,而且他也有他的老板。他不可能不顾忌。

5. Confront your boss in private.
Common sense.

6. Try a joint feedback session.
发现和老板关系不对,要及早沟通。直接问就好了。你要给老板讲出对你不满的机会。有些老板,你不问,他不会说的。This one applies to all kind of bosses.

7. Keep your outside options open in case you choose to quit.
不是所有的relationship 都可改善. Sometimes, you have to move on. Life is too short to spend all your energy on your jerk boss and have him impact your personal life.

8. Outlast the boss and wait for a better replacement.
等待坏老板离开或被fire, 就像等待带出狱。去年还真让我等到了。当时还挺伤心,因为费了九牛二虎之力才和这个jerk work out. 想到要从新来过,就没了勇气。就像人离婚之后,不知道下一个怎样。结果和新老板没有任何磨合期,就相处很好。才知道和合得来的老板不用费那么大劲磨合,就想婚姻一样,太费劲了,就应该离婚。

9. Your good work may eventually get you promoted into the job now held by the boss.
好像还没看到过。不过如果jerk的老板够fair和厉害, 他一般是可以look through your hard work. 我的jerk老板走后,他的老板说jerk一直在take我的credit. 这件事我还真不知道,平时很少和老板的老板沟通,还真不知道他怎么看出来的。

10. When all else falls, polish up the boss’ resume and sent it to a search firm.
好办法。把你老板的名字,电话给recruiter. 你也许就出狱了。


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