回复:春天的骚动,阳光照耀下的ASTI股票技术分析实战一例 (图) (图)

来源: nullll 2007-04-22 05:52:30 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (109 bytes)
本文内容已被 [ nullll ] 在 2007-04-23 15:51:19 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.


谢图,您是如何把图贴上的呢?I had some trouble this time. -fund4fun- 给 fund4fun 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/22/2007 postreply 06:03:08

回复:谢图,您是如何把图贴上的呢?I had some trouble this time. -nullll- 给 nullll 发送悄悄话 nullll 的博客首页 (89 bytes) () 04/22/2007 postreply 06:07:38

I did the same. My chart is in JPEG format, -fund4fun- 给 fund4fun 发送悄悄话 (31 bytes) () 04/22/2007 postreply 06:17:23

回复:I did the same. My chart is in JPEG format, -nullll- 给 nullll 发送悄悄话 nullll 的博客首页 (73 bytes) () 04/22/2007 postreply 06:24:27

Thanks a lot. -fund4fun- 给 fund4fun 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/22/2007 postreply 06:26:01



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