"software design engineer for test" sounds like "White Box QA"

来源: 美国老土 2007-12-13 09:20:23 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (858 bytes)
-- Nice, be careful your 红k will become 黑k after you 在不知不觉中变土。

小弟刚刚拿到一个software design engineer for test的offer.因为,从来没有在北美谋职过.请问这个职位主要从事的什么样的工作?
-- "Software Design Engineer" sounds like a good Software engineer position;
-- "Software Design Engineer for test" Sounds like a White Box QA Engineer position, you design the test process, other Black Box QA guys will run the test following your design.
-- Sounds like you will work in a QA team, design the plan, and sometime do the test also.
-- There are many QA job opennings.
-- Many QA guy trnasfer to Software Engineer after couple yrs.

小弟有5年软件工作经验,在美国西海岸(Washington state)的薪水应该如何?谢谢各位指点.
-- I am not sure.


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